Think big and do what you think
Our commitment to integrity, human rights and transparency is embodied in a compliance system that determines the development of the company’s policies and the conduct of those who form part of it.
Natra’s Compliance System
Our compliance system enables us to ensure a strong culture of integrity and ethical behaviour, creating stable and healthy relationships with all stakeholders through well-defined mechanisms and actions.
Our mechanisms
Code of Ethics,
A code communicated to and ratified by all staff defining the conduct that Natra considers unacceptable.
Ethics Channel
Natra has an Ethics Channel as an element for the detection and management of potential risks and crimes, which is regulated in the Ethics Channel Policy and Procedure.
Ethics Committee
The body responsible for studying each of the communications received through the Ethics Channel. The Ethics Committee is made up of the CFO, the HR Director, the Internal Audit and Risk Director and the Compliance Officer.
Our main actions
New delegation of authority policy
This has been introduced to establish corporate guidelines governing the decision-making process.
Reinforcement of business continuity plans
To address the pandemic in every workplace within our corporate crisis management framework.
New procedures associated with risk policies
Relating to third parties, antitrust and antibanking.
Trainings courses on anti-bribery and corruption
One to raise awareness among commercial and procurement teams to ensure that customers and suppliers are not on any lists of sanctioned countries, and another for employees subject to antitrust and antibanking risks.
Natra’s commitment to human rights
We run our business responsibly, managing and mitigating risks relating to human rights violations in both direct and indirect operations.
We ensure we meet our commitments with the following two procedures:
Written certification from suppliers
This document obliges suppliers to certify that the cocoa they supply has been harvested under decent working conditions according to the International Labour Organization (ILO), with a special focus on the elimination of child or forced labour and discrimination in employment, as well as respect for freedom of association.
Responsible Purchasing Code
A code obliging Natra’s suppliers to identify, prevent and address negative impacts relating to child or forced labour, freedom of association, workplace safety, equal treatment, working hours and minimum wage.
Do you have any queries or suggestions?